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Linda Chalker-Scott Literature on Epsom Salts

Literature on Epsom Salts

Compiled by Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Extension Urban Horticulturist, WSU Puyallup Research and Extension Center

Scientitifc Publications (Externally Reviewed)

  • Bailey, J.S. and M. Drake. 1954. Correcting magnesium deficiency in cultivated blueberries and its effect on leaf potassium, calcium, and nitrogen. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science 63: 95-100.
  • Barog, P. and W. Grzebisz. 2001. Effect of magnesium foliar application on the yield and quality of sugar beet roots. Rostlinna Vyroba 47(9): 418-422.
  • Baynes, R.A. and D. Walmsley. 1974. Mineral nutrition of the St. Vincent groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Tropical Agriculture 51(1): 27-35.
  • Bolan, N.S., D.J. Horne and L.D. Currie. 2004. Growth and chemical composition of legume-based pasture irrigated with dairy farm effluent. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 47(1): 85-93.
  • Bolton, J. 1973. Sources of magnesium for sugar beet, potatoes and wheat grown on an acid sandy soil at Woburn, Beds. Journal of Agricultural Science, UK 81(3): 553-555.
  • Bootsma, J. 1991. Sprays for leaf nutrition must take colour into account. [Original title: Bespuitingen voor bladvoeding moeten kleur bekennen. Fruitteelt den Haag 81(27): 22-23.
  • Bowen, T.J. 1956. Nutrient disorders in plums. Queensland Agricultural Journal 82(7): 373-376.
  • Boynton, D. 1943. Magnesium deficiency-a newly recognized orchard trouble . Farm Research 9(2): 2.
  • Boynton, D. 1945. Studies on control of magnesium deficiency in New York apple orchards Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science 46: 1-5.
  • Boynton, D. 1947. Magnesium nutrition of apple trees. Soil Science 63: 53-58.
  • Boynton, D. and A. Erickson. 1954. A response of seedling cacao trees, under nursery conditions, to magnesium and calcium. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science 64: I5-20.
  • Boynton, D., J.C. Cain and J. van Geluwe. 1943. Incipient magnesium deficiency in some New York Apple orchards. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science 42: 95-100.
  • Cummings, G.A., A.S. Fish, W.B. Nesbitt and V.H. Underwood. 1973. The influence of mineral nutrition and time of year upon the elemental concentration of muscadine grapes (Vitis rotundifolia). Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 4(3): 211-218.
  • Chucka, J.A., J.H. Waring and O.L. Wyman. 1945. Magnesium deficiency in Maine apple orchards. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science 46: 13-14.
  • Cunningham, I.J. 1936. Influence of manorial treatment with magnesium compounds on the magnesium-content of pasture. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 17: 775-778.
  • Davies, G.R. and P.W. Lane. 1982. Magnesium uptake in grass-results of a long term experiment. Experimental Husbandry 38: 87-98.
  • Drosdoff, M. and A.L. Kenworthy. 1944. Magnesium deficiency in tung trees. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science 44: 1-7.
  • Drosdoff, M. and F.S. Lagasse. 1950. The effect of some magnesium and calcium fertilizers in a magnesium deficient bearing tung orchard. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science 1950; 56: 5-11.
  • Fisher, E.G., D.R. Walker and D. Boynton. 1958. Studies on the control of magnesium deficiency and its effect on apple trees. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science 71: 1-10.
  • Fletcher, W.A. 1959. Citrus orchard nutrition and soil management. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture 98: 565-72.
  • Ford, E.M. 1964. The control of magnesium deficiency in apple rootstock stoolbeds. Journal of Horticultural Science 39: 212-223.
  • Ford, E.M. 1967. Studies in the nutrition of apple rootstocks. IV. The effect on growth and mineral composition of supplying magnesium through the leaves. Annals of Botany 31: 113-19.
  • Ford, E.M. 1968. The response to Epsom salt sprays of mature apple trees of three varieties on two contrasting root-stocks. Journal of Horticultural Science 43: 505-17.
  • Ford, E.M., G.C. White and M. Allen. 1965. The response of magnesium-deficient Edward VII apple trees to variations in the timing and composition of foliar sprays. Journal of Horticultural Science 40: 351-360.
  • Forshey, C.G. 1959. The effect of nitrogen status of magnesium deficient Mclntosh apple trees on the response to epsom salt sprays. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science 73: 40-45.
  • Forshey, C.G. 1963. The effect of nitrogen status of Mclntosh apple trees in sand culture on the absorption of magnesium from Epsom salts sprays. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science 1983: 21-31.
  • Frings, H.W. and M.S. Frings. 1937. Magnesium sulphare – a. new insecticide. Science 85 (2209): 428.
  • Froment, M.A., D. Turley and L.V. Collings. 2000. Effect of nutrition on growth and oil quality in linseed. Tests of Agrochemicals and Cultivars 21: 29-30.
  • Garmany, H.F.M. 1954. Magnesium deficiency in Southern Rhodesia. Rhodesian Tobacco 7: 1-11.
  • Gosselin, B. and N.I. Mondy. 1986. Effects of soil applications of magnesium sulphate and dolomite on the quality of potato tubers. American Potato Journal 63(8): 426.
  • Greenham, D.W.P. and G.C. White. 1959. The control of magnesium deficiency in dwarf pyramid apples. Journal of Horticultural Science 34: 238-247.
  • Hanly, J.A., P. Loganathan and L.D. Currie. 2005. Effect of serpentine rock and its acidulated products as magnesium fertilisers for pasture, compared with magnesium oxide and Epsom salts, on a pumice soil. 1. Dry matter yield and magnesium uptake. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 48(4): 451-460.
  • Hill, H. and F.B. Johnston. 1947. Magnesium-deficiency control in Quebec apple orchards. International Congress on Pure and Applied Chemistry 11: 129.
  • Howard, N.F. 1937. Magnesium sulfate valueless as a control for the bean beetle. Science 86 (2230): 286-287.
  • Huang, J.S. and P.V. Nelson. 2001. Impact of pre-plant root substrate amendments on soilless substrate EC, pH, and nutrient availability. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 32(17/18): 2863-2875.
  • Hunter, I.R., J.M. Prince, J.D. Graham and G.M. Nicholson. 1986. Growth and nutrition of Pinus radiata on rhyolitic tephra as affected by magnesium fertiliser. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 16(2): 152-165.
  • Irizarry, H., E. Rivera and J.A. Rodriguez. 1990. Response of bananas (Musa acuminata) to magnesium fertilization in an Ultisol. Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico . 74(4): 419-426.
  • Janse, J., W. Verkerke and W. Gielesen. 1991. Tomatoes. Rondello is the least susceptible to watery rot. [Original title: Tomaat. Rondello minst gevoelig voor waterig rot.] Groenten en Fruit, Glasgroenten 1(5): 30-31.
  • Judel, G.K. 1966. Effect of the form of magnesium, magnesium content and particle size on the effect of magnesium contained in ammonium-nitrate fertilizers. Agrochimica 10: 202-215.
  • Kim, K.R. and Y.C. Lee. 1980. Effects of dolomite and Epsom salts application on apple trees. Journal of the Korean Society for Horticultural Science 21(2): 164-169.
  • Kooiman, I.P. 1952. Tests with magnesium preparations, Epsom salt, kieserite, calcium magnesium carbonate and magnesium oxide, as supplement for cattle. [Original title: Enige proeven met magnesium-praeparaten (bitterzout, kieseriet, dolokal supra en magnesiumoxyd) als bijvoeder voor runderen.] Maandbl. Landb. Voorl. Dienst 9: 429-431.
  • Krishnapillai, S. 1991. Response to magnesium fertilizer in young and mature tea. Agro Chemicals News in Brief 14(4): 30-35.
  • Kristek, A., V. Kovacevic and M. Antunovic. 2000. Response of sugar beet to foliar magnesium fertilization with Epsom salts. Rostlinna Vyroba 46(4): 147-152.
  • Kristek, A., V. Kovacevic, E. Uebel and M. Rastija. 1999. Effect of foliar applied Epsom Salt on sugar beet quality, pp. 107-109. In D. Anac and P. Martin-Prevel (eds.), Improved Crop Quality by Nutrient Management .
  • Lesser, M.A. 1949. Animal repellents. Soap 25(9): 123-5, 127, 149, 151.
  • Loganathan, P., J.A. Hanly and L.D. Currie. 2005. Effect of serpentine rock and its acidulated products as magnesium fertilisers for pasture, compared with magnesium oxide and Epsom salts, on a pumice soil. 2. Dissolution and estimated leaching loss of fertiliser magnesium. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 48(4): 461-471.
  • Loganathan, P., T.W. Payn, A.D. Mitchell and R.W. Tillman. 1999. A sequential extraction method for the determination of dissolution of magnesium from fertilizers applied to pumice soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 30(1/2): 199-211.
  • Lopez, R. and E. Runkle . 2004. The flowering of orchids: a reality check. Orchids 73(3):196-203.
  • Majer, J. 2004. Magnesium supply of the vineyards in the Balaton-highlands. Acta Horticulturae 652: 175-182.
  • McIntosh, S., P. Crooks and K. Simpson. 1973. Sources of magnesium for grassland. Journal of Agricultural Science, UK 81(3): 507-511.
  • McNaught, K.J, F.D. Dorofaeff and J. Karlovsky. 1968. Effect of magnesium fertilizers and season on levels of inorganic nutrients in a pasture on Hamilton clay loam. 1. Magnesium and calcium. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 11(3): 533-50.
  • Midgley, A.R. and D.E. Dunklee. 1946. Boron deficiency of lettuce. Better Crops with Plant Food 30(2): 17-20, 42.
  • Mikkelsen, D.S. and C.A. Doehlert. 1950. Magnesium deficiency in blueberries. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science 55: 289-292.
  • Mitchell, A.D. P. Loganathan, T.W. Payn and R.W. Tillman. 2000. Magnesium fertiliser dissolution rates in pumice soils under Pinus radiata . Australian Journal of Soil Research 38(3): 753-767.
  • Mondy, N.I. and R. Ponnampalam. 1985. Effect of magnesium fertilizers on total glycoalkaloids and nitrate-N in Katahdin tubers. Journal of Food Science 50(2): 535-536.
  • Mondy, N.I. and R. Ponnampalam. 1986. Potato quality as affected by source of magnesium fertilizer: nitrogen, minerals, and ascorbic acid. Journal of Food Science 51(2): 352-354.
  • Mondy, N.I., B. Gosselin and R. Ponnampalam. 1987. Effect of soil applications of magnesium sulfate and dolomite on the quality of potato tubers. American Potato Journal 64(1): 27-34.
  • Mulder, D. 1950. Magnesium deficiency in fruit trees on sandy soils and clay soils in Holland. Plant and Soil 2: 145-157.
  • Nagai, K. and others. 1966. Studies on magnesium deficiency of apple trees. I. Injection and foliar application of magnesium for the diagnosis and control of magnesium deficiency. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 35: 207-217.
  • Neilsen, G.H. and P.B. Hoyt. 1984. Field comparison of chelated and Epsom salt magnesium foliar sprays on apple trees. HortScience 19(3): 431-432.
  • Neuner, K.H. 1999. Epsom salts improve protein content. [Original title: Bittersalz verbessert den Eiweissgehalt.] Getreide Magazin 2: 104-107.
  • Olykan, S., T. Payn, P. Beets and M. Kimberley. 2001. Magnesium fertilisers affected growth, upper mid-crown yellowing, and foliar nutrients of Pinus radiata , and soil magnesium concentration. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 31(1): 34-50.
  • Orlovius, K. 1993. Magnesium supply through foliar application of Epsom salts. [Original title: Magnesium Versorgung uber eine Blattdungung mit Bittersalz absichern.] Kartoffelbau 44(4): 164-165.
  • Orolvius, K. 2001. Effect of foliar fertilisation with magnesium, sulfur, manganese and boron to sugar beet, oilseed rape, and cereals, pp. 788-789. In W.J. Horst et al. (eds.), Plant Nutrition: Food Security and Sustainability of Agro Ecosystems Through Basic and Applied Research . Fourteenth International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, Hannover, Germany.
  • Pedersen, B.F. and O. Vang-Petersen. 1984. Application of magnesium to apple trees. II. [Original title: Magnesium til aeble. II.] Tidsskrift for Planteavl 88(4): 405-412.
  • Pombo, G.I. and C.B. Smith. 1986. Growth and nutrient interrelationships of three vegetable crops with different sensitivities to soil pH as affected by lime and fertilizer treatments. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 17(3): 353-368.
  • Powers, W.L. 1945. Epsom salts and nutrient value of berries. Science 101: 301.
  • Prince, A.B. 1951. Magnesium economy in the coastal plain soils of New Jersey. Soil Science 71: 91-98.
  • Prince, A.B. and P.T. Blood. 1962. Some effects of irrigation and fertilization on the yield and quality of Kennebec potatoes. American Potato Journal 39(8): 313-19.
  • Quast, P. 1985. Supply amounts, deficiency situations and fertilizer efficacy of magnesium in apple trees. [Original title: Versorgungsgrade, Mangelzustande und Dungewirkung von Magnesium bei Apfelbaumen.] Mitteilungen des Obstbauversuchsringes des Alten Landes 40(3): 112-123.
  • Reid, R.L., B.S. Baker and L.C. Vona. 1984. Effects of magnesium sulfate supplementation and fertilization on quality and mineral utilization of timothy hays by sheep. Journal of Animal Science 59(6): 1403-1410.
  • Ritchey, K.D. and H. Irizarry. 1993. Leaching of Mg fertilizers in Puerto Rican ultisols. Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico 77(3/4): 167-180.
  • Robinson, J.B.D. and E.M. Chenery. 1958. Magnesium deficiency in coffee with special reference to mulching. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture 26: 259-273.
  • Seshadri, K. and J. Gupta. 1954. Ammonium sulphate from Epsom salt. Journal of Scientific Industrial Research 13: 788-779.
  • Smith, R.C. 1937. Magnesium sulfate – an unsatisfactory substitute for arsenieals in grasshopper baits. Science 86 (2227): 226-228.
  • Southwick, L. and C.T. Smith. 1945. Further data on correcting magnesium deficiency in apple orchards. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science 46: 6-12.
  • Southwick , L. and J.K. Shaw. 1944. Some results in correcting magnesium deficiency in apple orchards. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science 44: 8-14.
  • Tabi, M., C.R. de Kimpe, J. Zizka and L.M. Bordeleau. 1977. The effects of lime and various fertilizers and Mg soil amendments on some agricultural plants. [Original title: Effets de la chaux et de divers engrais et amendements magnesiens sur quelques plantes agricoles.] Naturaliste Canadien 104(6): 527-536.
  • Thompson , F.C. 1960. A long-term manurial experiment with hops. The effect of heavy manuring on soil fertility and on the yield, leaf mineral content and resin content of the variety Fuggle. Journal of Horticultural Science 35: 185-201.
  • Tolhurst, J.A.H. and A.V. Richards. 1965. A revised fertilizer mixture for nurseries. Tea Quarterly 36: 43-44.
  • Tolhurst, J.A.H. and T. Visser. 1961. Manuring of nurseries: EL T.R.I. nursery manure: A completely soluble inorganic mixture. Tea Quarterly 1961; 32: 220-221.
  • Uebel, E. 1999. Yield and quality increases by magnesium fertilization – results of field experiments in some European countries. [Original title: Znacenje magnezija u povecanju prinosa i kvalitete usjeva – rezultati poljskih pokusa u nekim europskim zemljama.] Poljoprivreda 5(1): 47-53.
  • van den Broek, R.C.F.M. 1996. Control of yellow stalks of cauliflower. [Original title: Het verminderen van gele onderkanten in bloemkool.] Publicatie Proefstation voor de Akkerbouw en de Groenteteelt in de Vollegrond, Lelystad 81B: 127-130.
  • Visser, T. and F.H. Kehl. 1961. Manuring of nurseries. 1. Experiments on the frequency and methods of application of inorganic and organic mixtures. Tea Quarterly 32: 216-219.
  • Voigtlander, G. 1965. A contribution to the problem of magnesium fertilizing on heavy soils. Zeitschrift für Acker und PflanzenBau 121: 116-129.
  • Wallace, T. 1939. Magnesium-deficiency of fruit trees. Journal of Pomology and Horticultural Science 17: 150-166.
  • Wang, Y.T. 2002. Flowering phalaenopsis: does magnesium or phosphorus applied in the autumn promote flowering? Orchids 73(8): 602-605.
  • Ward, J.K. 1958. Magnesium deficiency in Apples in the Huon Valley of Tasmania. Tasmanian Journal of Agriculture 29(3): 238-246.

University and Government Research Reports (Internally Reviewed)

  • Anonymous. 1941. Annual report. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Zealand 1940-1941: 92.
  • Anonymous. 1947. Magnesium deficiency of apples. Cawthron Institute Report 18-19.
  • Anonymous. 1948. Annual report. Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station 449: 80.
  • Anonymous. 1949. Annual report. Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station 453: 19-26.
  • Anonymous. 1951. Annual report. Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station 466: 62.
  • Anonymous. 1952. Annual report. Kenya Department of Agriculture 1951: 53.
  • Anonymous. 1959. Annual report. Rubber Research Institute of Ceylon 1958: 129.
  • Anonymous. 1963. Annual report of the Tea Research Institute of East Africa. Tea 1963; 4: 9-17.
  • Atterson, J. 1967. Slow-acting inorganic fertilizers . Research of the Forest Commission Annual Report, London 1965/66: 21-23.
  • Chalmers, A.G., N. Fisher, A.R. Hartley, K.C. Walker, F.J. Zhao and S.P. McGrath. 1998. Amount and form of sulphur fertiliser required to prevent sulphur deficiency in spring oilseed rape. HGCA Project Report OS34, 26 pp.
  • Ford, E.M. 1958. The control of magnesium deficiency in apple rootstock stoolbeds: progress report. East Malling Research Station Annual Report A41: 106-112.
  • Ford, E.M. 1966. The influence of Epsom salt sprays on the set of different types of fruit buds in Egremont Russet apple. East Malling Research Station Annual Report A49: 142-145.
  • Ford, E.M. and E.L. Frick. 1961. The effect of Epsom salt on the incidence of powdery mildew on potted apple rootstocks. East Malling Research Station Annual Report A44: 81-84.
  • Ford, E.M. and E.L. Frick. 1962. The effect of magnesium nutrition on the incidence of powdery mildew on potted apple rootstocks. East Malling Research Station Annual Report A45: 91-93.
  • Jones, J.O., D.J.D. Nicholas, T. Wallace (and others). 1944. Experiments on the control of magnesium deficiency in glasshouse tomatoes. Progress report II. Long Ashton Agricultural and Horticultural Research Station Annual Report 61-71.
  • Jones, L.T. 1943. Some organic manures used with vegetables. Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Western Australia 20: 281-285.
  • Kucinski, K.J. 1950. Field tests with magnesium. Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station Annual Report 459: 11-12.
  • Lagasse, F.S. 1945. Field laboratory for tung investigations. Florida Agricultural Experimental Station Annual Report 57: 84-88.
  • Mcallister, J.S.V. and S. Mcconaghy. 1963. The effects of applying magnesium compounds to herbage. Research Experiment Records of the Ministry of Agriculture of Northern Ireland 12(1): 1-7.
  • Pemberton, C.E. 1938. Entomology. Hawaii Sugar Planters’ Association Experimental Station Annual Report 19-29.
  • Teakle, L.J.H. 1945. Experiments with micro-elements for the growth of crops in Western Australia. Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Western Australia 22(2): 147-148.
  • Thompson, F.C. and C.L. Jary. 1964. Magnesium deficiency and hop quality-a note on an observation trial. Wye College Department of Hop Research Annual Report 1963: 36-41.
  • Thompson, F.C., E.G. Cripps and A.H. Burgess. 1950. Experiments on magnesium deficiency in the hop plant. Wye College Department of Hop Research Annual Report 1949: 34-42.
  • Thompson, F.C; E.G. Cripps and G.A. Watson. 1952. The effect of soil acidity on the growth of hops. Wye College Department of Hop Research Annual Report 1951: 24-28.
  • Tolhurst, J. and C. Bould. 1950. Nutrient placement in relation to fruit tree nutrition. II. Experiments on sub-soil injection. Long Ashton Agricultural and Horticultural Research Station Report 1949: 40-44.
  • Tolhurst, J.A.H. 1955. Plant nutrition. Magnesium deficiency. Ceylon Tea Research Institute Annual Report 1954: 26-8.
  • Walker, D.R. 1955. Foliar and soil applications of nitrogen to sour cherry and magnesium to apple trees. Dissertation Abstracts 15: 188.
  • Wallace, T. 1941. Magnesium deficiency of fruit and vegetable crops. Long Ashton Agricultural and Horticultural Research Station Annual Report 1940: 24-28.
  • Wallace, T. 1948. Note on the control of magnesium deficiency of apples . Long Ashton Agricultural and Horticultural Research Station Report 1947: 58-61.
  • Warman, T.M. 1970. Compatibility of some newer insecticide and fungicide sprays with two foliar nutrient sprays at high volume. East Malling Research Station Annual Report A53: 177-182.
  • Williams, P.H., E. Sheard, I.W. Selman and O. Owen. 1945. Plant diseases. Cheshunt Experimental Research Station Annual Report 21-31.
  • Williams, P.H., E. Sheard, W.H. Read, I.W. Selman and E. Grossbard. 1946. Plant diseases. Cheshunt Experimental Research Station Annual Report 1944: 83.
  • Williams, P.H., R. Howles, E. Grossbard, J.H.L. Messing and O. Owen. 1949. Plant diseases. Chemical problems. Cheshunt Experimental Research Station Annual Report 1948: 13; 20-21; 24-42; 73-81.

Proceedings from Conferences and Meetings (Not Reviewed)

  • Biebel, J.P. 1977. The regreening of plants after cold weather reddening. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 89: 345-346.
  • Bir, R.E., J.E. Shelton and S.L. Warren. 1988. Olivine: a potential slow-release magnesium source for nurseries. Combined Proceedings, International Plant Propagators’ Society 37: 372-377.
  • Boynton, D. 1945. Recent advances in orchard fertilization practices. Proceedings of the New York State Horticultural Society 67-71.
  • Crane, H.L. and J.W. McKay. 1951. Preliminary report on growth, flowering, and magnesium deficiency of Reed and Potomac filbert varieties . 42 nd Annual Meeting of the Northern Nut Growers’ Association Report 3: 50-55.
  • Draycott, P. and M. Allison. 1998. Magnesium fertilisers in soil and plants: comparisons and usage. Proceedings of the Fertiliser Society 412: 1-28.
  • Drosdoff, M., F.S. Lagasse and G.H. Blackmon. 1944. Symptoms and corrective treatments for magnesium deficiency in tung trees. Proceedings of the American Tung Oil Association 10: 64-67.
  • Elmstrom, G.W. and J.G.A. Fiskell. 1974. Watermelon yield response to supplemental magnesium. Proceedings of the Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida 33: 222-223.

Extension Bulletins (Internally Reviewed)

  • Anonymous. 1946. Fruits. Maine Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 442: 266-287.
  • Butterfield, H.M., W. Schoonover and H.W. Shepherd. 1951. Lawn planting and care. California Agricultural Extension Service Circular 181: 38.
  • Charlesworth, R.R. 1966. Response of potatoes, kale and carrots to magnesium. Exploratory Horticulture 14: 62-73.
  • Charlesworth, R.R. 1967. The effect of applied magnesium OH the uptake of magnesium by, and on the yield of, arable crops. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Finland Technical Bulletin 14: 110-125.
  • Constable, D.H. 1954. Manuring. Magnesium deficiencies in rubber. Rubber Research Institute Circular 37A: 2.
  • Cook, F.C., R.H. Hutchison and F.M. Scales. 1915. Further experiments in the destruction of fly larvae in horse manure. USDA Bulletin 245: 22.
  • Michelbacher, A.E. and E.O. Essig. 1938. Caterpillars attacking Tomatoes. Bulletin of the California Agricultural Experiment Station 625: 42.
  • Palm, C.E., C. Lincoln and A.B. Buchholz. 1942. The alfalfa snout beetle : its control and suppression. Bulletin of the Cornell Agricultural Experiment Station (757): 50.
  • Woltz, W.G. 1952. Sources of nitrogen in crop production. Sources of nitrogen for flue-cured tobacco plant beds. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin 96: 26-32.

Industry/Popular Articles (Not Reviewed)

  • Adams, P. 1978. Tomatoes in peat. How feed variations affect yield. Grower 89(19): 1091, 1093-1094, 1096.
  • Bird, M. 1931. The toxic action of magnesia on cane. Facts about Sugar 26(6): 263.
  • Brown, W.L. 1988. Calcium and magnesium sources for woody plants. American Nurseryman 167(7): 123.
  • Boynton, D. and J.C. Cain. 1946. Magnesium nutrition of apple orchards. American Fertilizers 105: 7, 8.
  • McQuown, F.R. 1960. Some experiments with morning glories. Gardeners’ Chronicle 148: 522.
  • McQuown, F.R. 1962. Experiments with morning glories. Gardeners’ Chronicle 151: 211.