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Linda Chalker-Scott Literature on Dust Mulches

Literature on Dust Mulches

Compiled by Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Extension Urban Horticulturist, WSU Puyallup Research and Extension Center

  • Ali, M. 1976. Effect of mulches and reflectant on the yield of rainfed wheat. Indian Journal of Agronomy 21(1): 61-63.
  • Ali, M. 1985. Effect of pre-sowing seed treatment, foliar nutrition and planting pattern on productivity and water use in chickpea under rainfed conditions. Legume Research 8(1): 7-11.
  • Ali, M. and R. Prasad. 1972. Mulching means more moisture. Indian Farming 22(9): 38-39.
  • Ali, M. and R. Prasad. 1974a. Effects of mulches and type of seed bed on pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides) under semi-arid conditions. Experimental Agriculture 10(4): 263-272.
  • Ali, M. and R. Prasad. 1974b. Effect of mulches, reflectant and type of seed bed on yield of barley (Hordeum vulgare) grown under semi-arid conditions. Annals of Arid Zone 13(4): 330-338.
  • Ali, M. and R. Prasad. 1975. Soil-moisture studies in fallow-barley rotation under mulches, antitranspirant and type of seedbed. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 23(2): 163-171.
  • Bear, E.M. 1942. The dust mulch theory. Gardener’s Chronicle 112: 52.
  • Benoit, G.R. and D. Kirkham. 1963. The effect of soil surface conditions on evaporation of soil water. Proceedings of the Soil Science Society of America 27: 495-498.
  • Chordia, R.K. and B.L. Gaur. 1986. Effect of irrigation and mulches on seed yield of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Indian Journal of Agronomy 31(3): 298-299.
  • Daulay, H.S., H.P. Singh, R.P. Singh and K.C. Singh. 1979. Effect of different mulches on yield and moisture use of pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides). Annals of Arid Zone 18(1/2): 108-115.
  • De, R. and G. Giri. 1978. Effect of mulching and kaolin foliar spray on mung (Vigna radiata)-rapeseed (Brassica campestris) double cropping system under rainfed conditions. Journal of Agricultural Science, UK 91(1): 191-197.
  • Gargi, D. and R.C. Gautam. 2003. Yield and water use efficiency of pearlmillet as influenced by moisture conservation methods under rainfed conditions. Annals of Agricultural Research 24(1): 78-81.
  • Gillette, C.O. and G.M. List. 1920. Eleventh Annual Report of the State Entomologist of Colorado for the Year 1919. Office of the State Entomologist Circular 28: 64.
  • Guyton, F.E. 1940. An outbreak of the velvetbean caterpillar in Alabama with data on control. Journal of Economic Entomology 33(4): 635-639.
  • Hagan, H.R. 1918. The alfalfa weevil (Phytonomus posticus, F.). Utah Agricultural College Logan Experimental Station Circular (31): 8 pp.
  • Horsfall, W.R. 1942. Biology and control of mosquitoes in the rice area. Bulletin or the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station 427: 46.
  • James, E. 1945. Effect of certain cultural practices on moisture conservation on a Piedmont soil. Journal of the American Society of Agronomy 37(11): 945-952.
  • Katiyar, S.C. and S.K. Uttam. 2003. Effect of fertility levels and moisture conservation practices on yield and economics of barley (Hordeum vulgare) under rainfed condition. Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika 18(3/4): 153-157.
  • Keen, B.A. 1942. Hoeing. Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society 67: 323-328.
  • Kjelgaard, J., B. Sharratt, I. Sundram, B. Lamb, C. Claiborn, K. Saxton and D. Chandler. 2004. PM10 emission from agricultural soils on the Columbia Plateau: comparison of dynamic and time-integrated field-scale measurements and entrainment mechanisms. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 125(3/4): 259-277.
  • Ladewig, J.E. 1951. Soil conservation in Queensland. 8. Soil conservation in horticultural areas. Queensland Agricultural Journal 73: 1-18.
  • Mohan, J.C. and A.M. Ali. 1969. Yield response of irrigated groundnut to organic mulches. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 39(2): 196-199.
  • Moitra, R. and D.C. Ghosh. 1998. Effect of tillage and mulching on soil physical properties, crop productivity and water use efficiency of rapeseed (Brassica rapa var. glauca) in West Bengal. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 26(2): 86-90.
  • Moitra, R., D.C. Ghosh and S. Sarkar. 1996. Water use pattern and productivity of rainfed yellow sarson (Brassica rapa L. var glauca) in relation to tillage and mulching. Soil and Tillage Research 38(1/2): 153-160.
  • Palmer, A.E. 1945. Cultural practice for the control of wind erosion of soils in Western Canada. Emperial Journal of Experimental Agriculture 13: 125-134.
  • Prasad, A. and R. Singh. 1998. Effect of mulches on soil moisture, grain yield and economics of sorghum + pigeonpea intercropping system in S.E. Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 26(2): 91-94.
  • Raghavulu, P. and S.P. Singh. 1982. Effect of mulches and transpiration suppressants on yield, water use efficiency and uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus by sorghum under dryland conditions of north-western India. Journal of Agricultural Science, UK 98(1): 103-108.
  • Rao, T.V., B.C. Brahma and R.K. Singh. 1997. Spectral response and canopy temperature of rainfed wheat in relation to pre-sown mulches and nitrogen levels. Annals of Agricultural Research 18(2): 127-134.
  • Reeves, G.I. 1917. The alfalfa weevil investigation. Journal of Economic Entomology 10(1): 123-131.
  • Reeves, G.I., P.B. Miles, T.R. Chamberlin, E.S. Snow and L.J. Bower. 1916. The alfalfa weevil and methods of controlling it. Farmers’ Bulletin 741: 16.
  • Robinson, D.W. 1966. Production of soft fruits without cultivation. Proceedings of the 17th International Horticulture Congress 145-160.
  • Russell, E.W. 1948. Current problems in soil cultivation. Proceedings of the 1947 International Conference Pédol. Méditerr. pp. 93-96.
  • Sachan, S.S. 1976. Effect of mulching and fertilization on growth and yield of wheat. Indian Journal of Agronomy 21(4): 484-486.
  • Sachan, S.S., K.S. Bhatia, H.P. Chaudhary and G.N. Pandey. 1977. Note on the effect of mulches and fertilization on the yield of wheat (Kalyan Sona) under rainfed conditions. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 11(1): 42-44.
  • Sarkar, S. and S.R. Singh. 2007. Interactive effect of tillage depth and mulch on soil temperature, productivity and water use pattern of rainfed barley (Hordium vulgare L.) Soil and Tillage Research 92 (1/2): 79-86.
  • Sharma, P.K. 1991. Methods of conserving moisture in drylands. Indian Farming 41(4): 21-24.
  • Sharma, R. and R.C. Thakur. 1992. Effects of seed rates, row spacing and soil moisture conservation practices on rainfed wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Himachal Journal of Agricultural Research 16(1-2): 1-5.
  • Sharma, V. and I.S. Chakor. 1995. Studies on crop and water economy of rainfed winter crops as influenced by mulching under late sown conditions. Himachal Journal of Agricultural Research 21(1/2): 84-86.
  • Shivran, R.K. and K.S. Rana. 2003. Growth and yield of maize (Zea mays L.) as influenced by cropping system and moisture conservation practices under rainfed conditions. Annals of Agricultural Research 24(2): 350-353.
  • Singh, H.B. 2006. Effect of supplemental irrigation and dust mulch on yield of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) under reclaimed ravine land. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 34(1): 52-54.
  • Singh, S., S.K. Kaushik and R.C. Gautam. 1997. Effect of tillage and moisture-conservation practices on productivity, water use and water-use efficiency of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) on light soils under dryland condition. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 67(6): 232-236.
  • Singh, S., A. Singh and V.P. Singh. 1999. Use of dust mulch and antitranspirant for improving water use efficiency of menthol mint (Mentha arvensis). Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences 21(1): 29-33.
  • Singh, S.B., Y.S. Chauhan and M.L. Maurya. 1989a. Effect of kaolin, cycocel and mulching on mustard under diara land rainfed conditions of eastern U.P. Indian Journal of Agronomy 34(4): 471-472.
  • Singh, S.B., Y.S. Chauhan and M.L. Maurya. 1989b. Effect of moisture conservation practices on mustard yield under diara land rainfed conditions of eastern U.P. Narendra Deva Journal of Agricultural Research 4(1): 103-104.
  • Thorne, M.E., F.L. Young, W.L. Pan, R. Bafus and J.R. Alldredge. 2003. No-till spring cereal cropping systems reduce wind erosion susceptibility in the wheat/fallow region of the Pacific Northwest. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Ankeny 58(5): 250-257.
  • Warsi, A.S., F. Singh and S.B. Singh. 1980. Feasibility of double cropping in rainfed areas of central Uttar Pradesh. Indian Agriculturist 24(1): 49-53.
  • Wooldridge, J. 1992. Effect of certain surface management practices on internal soil environment, irrigation requirement and tree performance in ridges. Deciduous Fruit Grower 42(8): 289-294.